CTET application form college name list issue resolved

if you are applicant of CTET examination then it is understood that you have completed or appearing candidates of B.Ed or D.El.ED and  generally applicant may not technical students so some problem can occur, its naturally  and one of the major problem is college name list because at the time of apply, college name may be disappear and if you are student then you may think that your college is not recognized but don’t worry i have simple solution.

Actually list of college name is already submitted to CTET database but that list is old and news list of college from NCTE is not sent to CTET or not updated. Actually when you select your district name then all field of college name table from database fetched and shown to user and if your college is newly  recognized then may be your college name will not show in Dropdown list.

 CTET left one option whose college name is not in list , you can select “OTHER” option in District list but common mistake done by applicant i have seen that they find “OTHER” option in last of district name . My dear reader this list is made according to alphabet accending order so you can find after “N” and before “P” letter. I am explaining by one example.

Suppose you are from Bihar State and your district is samastipur. In Samastipur  J.P. Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya  is new recognized college from NCTE bhubneswar and Affiliated by L.N.M.U Darbhanga but if you search in college name list then you may not see anywhere in list so that you can select “OTHER” option in District name and after selection you can now enter your college name. Just see figure below :

CTET application form college name list  issue  resolved

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