Log In Facebook, Gmail, Twitter without password

Think once , If you can login facebook , gmail , twitter or any website’s login without Typing password???? this is nice for everyone.

You may think how is this can happen? how anybody can login without password? yes your thinking is absolutely correct but one condition is here, you must enter password first time and remember password checked.

Actually a utility software is available on internet , name of this software is Fingerprint Reader   .

After Installing this utility , When you login facebook, twitter or gmail first time then this software will ask you for Remember this password then you need to click on this button  .Now every time when you login twitter or facebook or any website where login is required and Remember this password  is clicked first time , then you don’t need to enter password again, you need only swipe you finger on finger print reader.

you may think that without installing this software every browser also ask for remember password then why this software? actually if you delete cookies and cache of web browser then you must again enter password but using this software you need only once for all time

Benefit of This utilities:

  • Time saving.
  • No need of Remember password of 100 or many website’s password.
  • You can also login  in front of you friend and your friend can not know you password because you login without password.
  • Safety from Hacker, Actually cyber criminal using many method for recognize , Key Stroke every time what you are typing.

This software will only work on fingerprint facility enable computer.

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