Why you Shouldn’t Use Adbock Add ons/Extensions

I hope you are aware of Adblock. if not then now i am explaining , Adblock is extension/add-ons available in web browser and user using this for block advertise on  websites. actually this is external web application and without knowing detail about it user install it and feel very happy but they don’t know how this can be danger for their information and easily get hacked by hackers.

hacker can use adblock extension for steal user information.

in the view of Security you should not use adblock and now second point of view why you should not use Adblock i am explaining again.

Think You are visiting any website for example this website www.techaj.com are you paying me for browsing my site?  answer is-No!!!

then think how can i maintain Domain and Hosting cost???? you are easily get tricks from my site without paying  me any penny and i am fool that investing lot of money for domain Registration and Hosting Cost???? think once again and you will get answer that every website owner is based on advertisement on their website. if you are using Adblock then you are also not supporting  Website owner.


Conclusion :

Both point of view first security and second Website maintenance  you should not use Adblock 

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