Whatsapp user must read this to safe yourself

Hello whatsapp user, i know every smartphone user is using whatsapp these day but do you know that if you do some mistake then other people can read your message without your information?

Read full article to know how can this happen?

You all know that Whatsapp havegreat feature for desktop user that is Whatsapp web. You can send receive and view whatsapp message using whatsapp web feature from any Desktop web Browser. 

How Whatsapp Web feature working ?

To use whatsapp Web feature there are simple step :

  1. First of all open Web Browser in you computer.
  2. Now Open http://web.whatsapp.com from address bard of web browser.
  3. and After that a QR code will generate on Desktop Screen .
  4. Now Open whatsapp in Mobile and select “Whatsapp Web”.
  5. now scane QR code from mobile whaich is shown in Desktop browser.
  6. Now you can use whatsapp on Computer.


Now my dear friends, you have to understand how this feature can be danger for you.

If your friends will open google chrome and type web.whatsapp.com from mobile chrome browser and then QR Code will show and if they scan from you whatsapp apps then they can watch your message eveytime you send or receive message.

How to protect from this kind of activity ?

To protect yourself from this type of activity first of all you have to never give your smartphone to friends and second method is ,

If you friends, alread scanned then again go to Whatsapp Web and check where is you whatsapp using someone? if yes then Click on Logout from all device and now you are completly Safe.

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