Now you can donate through Tweeter to Politician

We all know that Politician using twitter more than Facebook for conversation and connect with their follower and this is time for Election  so twitter bring a new feature  by which you can donate to your politicians and this is best method to collect donation from public for part and election fund.

Twitter is tie up with Square  for performing this option means first of all Politician need to register on square and after verification from Square team they are  able to collect. This option is now currently working in US and US politician can collect money directly from US citizen . but after success of this operation this will work for every country.

How to work it for Politician or campaign

  • Candidate /Politician can sign up for account on Square cash on Cash me 
  • After verification by Square it will generate a unique twitter URL or $cashtag to request donnation from supporter/donor.
  •  and after donation twitter will automatically add image with contribute option .

Now you can donate through Tweeter to Politician

When Donors will click on Contribute then twitter will show donation options like how much amount you want to donation and Credit or debit card option will show and now you can donate easily like shopping something from internet .

Now you can donate through Tweeter to Politician Now you can donate through Tweeter to Politician

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