When we come to the point of sending mail then email is main tools for sending any types of document audio video, even you can send software files. G00gle is not allowing sending setup file vial email due to user safety but you can send this also by simple trick mentioned here .
So now i can assume that every people who is using internet have their own email id . Email -ID means personal identification on web world.
One thing today i want to clear that every website can provide email service but did you listen this i mean can you create email on every website ?? answer is no . why?? because every website owner doesn’t provide free mail service. for example i can also provide email address like [email protected] but i don’t provide free services for every one . I am providing this kind of professional email for only my company’s employee. Today in this article i am going to write some of top free email service provider so you can host your email and file without any charge whole life .
G-mail– This is world’s most popular free email service provide by G00gle. you can put 15GB data without any charge, after 15 GB you must pay but you can imagine this is very big space for you not only you i am also using this email service and ever day lots of email is coming but only 2% data is stored.
Yahoo mail : Yahoo mail is second world’s popular email service provider without any charge and one big advantage of this email provider is you can host and upload unlimited data and also store without any limitation.
Rediffmail– Rediffmail is also very popular free email service provider
Outlook.com – Outlook.com is free email service which is provided by microsoft corporation .Outlook.com is a free email service built to keep you connected across your devices with powerful organisational tools and a suite of Microsoft apps and services.
Yandex.com – We all know yandex is a search engine and it also provide free email service.
Mail.com – this email services provider by 1& 1 mail and media Inc. free of cost i.e FOC.
ZOHO mail – Zoho mail is provided by zoho corporation pvt ltd and it also provide free email services.
Note : Here i want to mention that all free email service provider also provide professional email services.