How to use Virtual Keyboard in PC

Virtual keyboard means you don’t need to use physical /Real Keyboard for type and text. just use virtual keyboard and type anything but before know about how to use virtual keyboard you need to know why you need virtual keyboard.

This is best for you if you use virtual keyboard at the time of online shopping , in Online Shopping you need to enter password or ATM card PIN for transaction and Hackers are also waiting for newbie  because newbie do common mistake and they get password of Internet banking or ATM . How??? by key logger, actually some software record your key stroke while you type anything by Your Physical keyboard  so best use is virtual keyboard ,

Now approx all net banking or banks provide virtual keyboard for online shopping on their website but when you need it on other site like Facebook or email then??? so follow these step to open virtual keyboard in PC .

Virtual keyboard PC

  • Click on “Start ” button and go to Control panel
  • Now click on Ease of Access .

Virtual keyboard PC

  • After click on Ease of access , go to “Ease of Access Center

Virtual keyboard PC

  • Now when you click on Ease of Access Center new window will open  and a option ( Start On-Screen Keyboard) will show , now click on “Start On – Screen Keyboard“.

Virtual keyboard PC

  • After click on Start , On screen keyboard will open and look like this .

Virtual keyboard PC

You can open On screen Keyboard directly by typing “OSK” in run

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