How To Know Full Details About My Computer

Hello friends, Warm welcome again. In this article you will know that how to know full details of your computer i.e how to collect all information about computer system like how much RAM is in your computer , which processor is available in system etc.

If you are using laptop or any branded computer system then its ok but if you are using Desktop Computer PC then may be you don’t  know which processor is available how much RAM is installed or may be you can know RAM and Processor info from My Computer -> Properties but you can not know which motherboard  is configured and What is processor model or graphic card model number .

Why this information is needed?

Suppose you bought new Assembled computer system and your sound system is not working then what will you do??  or  LAN port is not working then? that time you will go for Driver software but before installing compatible driver software you must know what is moderboard manufacturing company name , model and series without knowing Motherboard information you can not install appropriate driver software .


These type of information can gathered by third party application which is famous as “CPU-ID or CPU-Z”


cpu z

CPU-Z is a lightweight software and it will give you information about :

  • Processor name ,Number, Code name .
  • Process package
  • Cache memory details
  • Memory type, Size ,Timing and Module specification
  • Memory frequency

Download CPU-Z 

Note: This post was originally written on 5 August 2017

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