Free content writing software for writing services

Demand of Content writer is increasing day to day. when internet was not much  popular that time web service and content writing service was also not popular but after popularity of internet all business covert offline method to online method because in online business your customer and business area will increase.

In Online business your are not limited to geographical and timing. One thing is also that all online business using some advertise model , Some are using TV channel or Online Advertising method and some are using blog content for permanent information on blog and review service.

These method come in the area of content writing , blogging is also content writing service . I am writing this post means writing some content and this is good news for my reader is all post on my website is unique post. i never copy any articles from any website .

If you are blogger or content writer for news agencies or forum writer or anything else not matter what are you but in whole life at least one time your will realize that I wish ! i can write disturbance free . Suppose you are writing in MS word then all tab and menu can disturb you or if you are writing on web then may be website menu can disturb you but do you know how i am writing all my post without any disturbance ???

Actually i am using content writing software. There are lot of content writing software available on web like free and paid but i am using free content writing software.


FocusWriter is distraction free writing Environment .This software can improve your content writing skill. One of the best feature is available in this application is GOAL, yes you can set your daily base goal and track your performance.

Free content writing software for writing services

Some features of FocusWriter is mentioned below :

  • Timer and alarm facility available .
  • Many theme supported and custom theme can apply.
  • Portable mode facility .
  • Auto Save functionality.

Download FocusWriter 

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