How To Earn Money From Facebook

Hello Friends,

If you are students or tech guys then I am 100% sure that you are using Facebook because youth is addicted to social media site and mostly facebook.

And one thing also that you need money to survive life or if you are students then you need pocket money, what if i say to you that you can earn money from facebook ?

Yes, 100% true my dear friends, You can earn lots of money using facebook but you need to do some work and follow some steps to earn money from facebook.

What is that steps ?

First of all you have to create a facebook page. If you don’t know what is facebook page or How to create a facebook page then feel free to comment below so that i can write about this topic also or if you know then go and create a facebook page.

Friends, Before creating a page you need to think 100 times about what topic you are going to share on that page? you can share comedy images or motivation image or some computer tricks related contets on that page.

Now share that page to many people, You need lot of like on that pages to grow audiance of that page.

Now come to next step.

Go to any Affiliate marketing website and join their affiliate programm so that you can share a affiliate link on your facebook page.

After creation of affiliate link just post on your facebook pages, you can also share your affiliate link in facebook group or on your blogs also.

This is first method which can give you pocket money and if you really get thousands of like on your pages then you can make good amount of money from your facebook pages.

Another method is Paid posts, yes my friends, if your page will goes viral on social media then many company will contact with you to promote their content or post on your pages then you can get money from that company.

Friends, I hope you understood about my suggestion to earn money from facebook pages.

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