
Docstoc is a word that is more popular in students because docstoc provide better document for any topic the reason behind is , It is available for public freely and not only free but also uploader get  money from ads appear on there uploaded document so in  short time it become large documents directory .

It is providing free public and private space to upload document but one bad news for all docstoc lover and uploader . Docstoc will closed i.e shutdown after 30 November 2015 .

Docstoc is closed!

Yes. Docstoc official announced that “It will be closing after 1 December 2015” so my dear friends if you had uploaded any type of file like public or private then download from its server otherwise you will not get back to your computer .

You may shocked that why title of this topic is “Docstoc is closed” rather than “Docstoc will be close” because it is possible for you to read this article after 30 nov 2015 so let it go.

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