How to check computer internet speed

In this article you will learn about  Internet speed test  and whole process of check what is your internet connection speed so that you can check actual data received by internet Service Provider (ISP) and after this method if you are getting low data transfer rate then you can complain to Network Administrator .

Check computer internet speed

Before check internet speed of your computer internet connection , some points you have to keep in your mind

  • Never check internet speed from wireless connection because if you check from wireless connection then there is possibility of destroy some data between your router and testing device like your computer of mobile so for get actual speed of your internet connection , connect  computer to router via Ethernet cable in LAN port Like RJ45
  • Now check your computer task manager and stop all process which is using internet data , suppose if you are updating your operating system in Background or Updating Antivirus definition in silent mode  then you can not measure actual computer internet speed . so first of all check these things
  • If you are browsing or downloading any files from internet then stop all download  and best practice is close all web browser before testing internet speed .

Now follow these step for check internet speed :

  • Open any web browser  and open site
  • Now this website speed test script will load a measurement meter automatically and this will find best server or you can select nearest server of your ISP connection . I will show a screenshot which is taken by me and in that example i have selection nearest Server Location New delhi Bharti Airtel becasue i am using Internet connection of Bharti Airtel Pvt Ltd.
  • Now Meter will start pinging and after completion of pinging process Download and Upload speed will show

See , Output will look like this :

How to check computer internet speed

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